




Hayphil Music, BMI

Phil’s Original Lead Sheets, Songs w/lyrics, Arrangements + the Scores & parts for


Continuum  +  4Horns & What?  +  Joint Venture  +  Big Band  +  Free Country  +  No Fast Food  ~~  coming soon:


~ lead sheets: $5.00 (USD)

~ songs w/lyrics: $10.00 (USD)

~ arrangements: $15.00 (USD)

~ 4 Horns & What? scores & parts: $30.00 (USD)

~ big band scores & parts: $75.00 (USD)







w/ lyrics



 Ballad for Heike

Dawn on the Gladys Marrie



Last Dance






(available on Alone, 4 Horns & What?, The Code and Prayers)


Windswept heart(s)

beneath our crushing waves

Tears seek joy

soaked mountains in it’s way


not lonely


only in my way

Joyous tears, hopeful fears

blinded by my mind’s eye — (s)


Wind from rain

sails briefly from our fog

breathing life, gasping thoughts

holding out for



~pah lyric, February 2013

  Hayphil Music, BMI


Alone, sung by Nicholas Horner









Ballad for Heike

(available on Continuum and 4 Horns & What?)


When the breath of life divines a kin,

one finds and kneads moist rhymes, a creed,

from eyes so keen, yet calm.


As our journey bends through fresh love’s door

these days slide fast and then cry flight.


Spinning seasons change, choice retires,

there’s no rebirth in time, less fire.

As we join to play,

claiming blue happiness,

it’s time to change our mourn.


Should the seeds of May re-strike our core,

there shall only be subtle lines of free blossoms,

fragrant with lore.


~pah lyric, April, 1997

Hayphil Music, BMI


Ballad for Heike, sung by Nicholas Horner










Dawn on the Gladys Marrie

(available on Mirrors and Prayers)


The fog rolls gently in, the gulls cry keen

and he gives dull earth the slip, aboard Gladys Marrie.


Wrapped ’round in filmy veil, kissed and slapped by sea

he glides in pearly still,  a dory brave is she…

Yes, it’s dawn, Gladys Marrie.


The sun on deep salt brine, melts mist to sea

‘Neath the waves the silvers shine, below Gladys Marrie.


The jetty riffs and strains against fresh’ning seas,

Breasting waves trapp’d twixt rock arms, a dory strong is she…

Yes, it’s dawn, Gladys Marrie.


O how she darts forth quickly. How she delights in the breeze!

And when the ocean roughens…  She sails calm and sturdy

like his own Gladys Marrie.


~ Mary Elizabeth (Haynes) Lee lyric, April, 1995

 Hayphil Music, BMI


Dawn on the Gladys Marrie, sung by Nicholas Horner








(available on Continuum)


Drift, float, fall away, the seasons cede

– crisp light colors bright –

a breeze today, hard frost in they

the leaves fill eves —


Though, winter’s breathe looms near,

ice sickles yet to pierce our souls or wit,

the long nights come —


Drift, float, fall, our leaves unveil seeds,

life held ‘til March is done.


Gold and crimson retiring years spin by our sides

– like our minds recall the blooms of May –

this life falls fast yet lives in those

— who last.


~pah lyric, February, 2012

  Hayphil Music, BMI


Fall, sung by Nicholas Horner









(available on The Code and Prayers)


create-r of all — bless our lives with desire — to inspire

creat-or of all, bless our lives (with fire), to inspire

creator of all — bless our lives with your fire to inspire



~pah lyric, 2003

  Hayphil Music, BMI



Incantation, sung by Nicholas Horner








Last Dance

(available on Prayers and Organicity)


our time is not done when heartbeat — slips away

one’s journey ripples long, found

resonant from truths lived —

our actions echo more, than words or faith


a father marks deep, leaving us not alone

we leap with his cry now —

reaching out — touching will — resounding still . . .  


~pah lyric, February, 2013

  Hayphil Music, BMI


Last Dance, sung by Nicholas Horner














nick solo 3, evbk, 2014

 Nick Horner, baritone